Snowshoeing for Beginners

two people out snowshoeing

Although winter may not be everyone’s favorite season, many people look forward to freezing temperatures and the first snowfall so they’re able to pick up their favorite winter hobbies again. Snowshoeing is one winter hobby you may be interested in trying this year, but perhaps you’re not sure where to start. From the top reasons why people snowshoe to what to wear snowshoeing, read on to learn all about the basics of snowshoeing for beginners.

Top Reasons for Snowshoeing

three people out snowshoeing together

If you haven’t been out snowshoeing before, you may wonder why people would like to spend their time outdoors in the cold weather. Here are a few reasons why people enjoy snowshoeing:

What You Need for Snowshoeing

two men out snowshoeing with all the gear

To have an enjoyable time snowshoeing, you don’t need much snowshoeing gear—just a properly fitting pair of snowshoes and poles and you’re set! 

  1. Snowshoes: There are several different types of snowshoes to match a variety of terrain—flat, rolling, and mountain. Our winter sports experts recommend flat terrain snowshoes for beginners because they have easy-to-use bindings and are really lightweight. If you’re looking for the best snowshoes for beginners, check out the Retrospec Drifter Snowshoes.
  2. Snowshoe Poles: So many customers ask the question: Do you need poles to snowshoe? We suggest that beginners to snowshoeing invest in an adjustable pair of snowshoe poles to provide better stability. Having adjustable snowshoe poles are ideal so you can find the length that is most comfortable for you.  
  3. Snowshoe Gaiters: These are designed to keep snow from reaching the interior of your boots, keeping your feet warm and dry. You don’t need gaiters for snowshoeing, but they do keep your feet warm and dry.
  4. Warm Layers: When staying active in the winter, you want to layer your clothing. Our experts offer their suggestions below.

What to Wear When Snowshoeing

If you’re needing advice on what to wear when snowshoeing, always remember to dress in layers that can be easily taken off and put on depending on the temperatures. 

Start by wearing waterproof winter boots and thick socks to keep your feet warm and dry throughout your snowshoeing adventure. 

For your clothing, it’s best to start with a lightweight or midweight base layer made from wool or synthetics to wick moisture away from your skin. If you’re wondering which weight or type of base layer you should get, check out our article How to Choose a Base Layer for more information. Aside from a base layer, you’ll want to wear an outer layer like a lightweight winter jacket or vest to block the wind yet allow for ventilation. 

To finish off your layers, make sure to pack a hat, multiple pairs of mittens or gloves, and a neck gaiter for added protection.

How to Put on Snowshoes

people relaxing after snowshoeing

Before heading out to where you plan on snowshoeing, we recommend practicing how to put on your snowshoes. Please note that you’ll want to wear the same winter boots you plan on wearing when out on your adventure. 

1. Check to see if the snowshoes are left and right-foot specific or if they can be interchangeable. Typically, you’ll see an “L” and “R” if they need to be worn on a specific foot.

2. Step into the binding system with the ball of your foot on the top hinge and toes hanging slightly over.

3. There are two main closure systems: straps or BOA

  • If you have a three-strap system, you need to tighten the front strap first, then the heel strap, followed by the instep strap last.
  • If you have a BOA system, you simply turn the dial until the snowshoe fits securely.

4. Although you don’t want your snowshoes loose, you don’t want them overly tight either. Having them too tight will make your feet very uncomfortable.

5. Tuck in any stray straps so they don’t get in the way when walking.

For more tips on getting the best snowshoeing gear or how to snowshoe, stop by your local WITZENBERG store to speak with an expert.